The optimum age to learn a 2nd language has always been a controversial issue. As a matter of fact, there is a "critical period of time" in one's life mostly dedicated to learning new languages. Simply put, children before the age of six can automatically extract grammatical knowledge from their environment. By listening to the people around them, the child can subconsciously summarize the key points of mastering the language and then use the language creatively. They also tend to talk about things, events and their relationships with their environment, and they especially like to talk about things that they can see, touch and frequently encounter, such as the shape, colour, size, sound, structure and taste of new objects. It is conceivable that parents play an indispensable role in children's growth. The earlier a child is exposed to a new language, the faster their brain development, understanding of the world, and pronunciation habits will adapt to this language, and eventually, their thinking will become integrated with the language as well. Therefore, administering early language teaching techniques suitable for the young children's cognitive level can greatly impact their comprehension and usage of this language later on in life.